We can assist you in obtaining a business management visa to do business in Japan, setting up a company, and obtaining the necessary permits and approvals for your business.

Visa to start a business in Japan (business management visa)

The business management visa is for persons who run a business in Japan (e.g. a company representative) or carries out activities engaged in the management of the business (e.g. a branch manager).

Key requirements are as follows:

A person who runs a company

1. Establishment of a company with a capital of at least JPY 5 million or at least two full-time employees

Either of these conditions can be met, so if a company with a capital of JPY 5 million is established, it is not necessary to employ full-time staff.

2. Office lease contract

Not allowed in the following cases; there is no distinction between living space and business office, Virtual offices, etc.

3. The activity must be dedicated to the management of the company

The manager cannot work a simple job. For example, if you run a restaurant, you will need to employ someone to cook and serve customers.

4. Be able to explain the stability and continuity of the business by preparing a well-reasoned business plan

Explain that the business will be stable and sustainable, using data on past performance, potential customers, secured suppliers, etc.


  1. At least 3 years experience in running or managing a business.
  2. Remuneration at least equivalent to Japanese

Steps to applying for a business management visa

The process for applying for a business management visa as a representative of a company is as follows.

  1. Office contracts, preparation of capital
  2. Establishing a company
  3. Notifying the tax office, etc. of the opening of the business
  4. Apply for necessary business licenses
  5. Change the lease contract to the company’s name
  6. Apply for a business management visa

However, this process is difficult to implement unless the applicant already lives in Japan or has a collaborator in Japan. This is because many office owners require that the applicant has a residence certificate when signing an office lease contract.

In response to these problems, many regions are adopting a ‘start-up visa‘ scheme, through which foreign nationals are first allowed to enter Japan, prepare to start their own business, and finally apply for a business management visa.

For example, Tokyo scheme is as follows:

  1. Submit a business plan and documents showing that funds have been secured to Tokyo city office and obtain a letter of confirmation issued by Tokyo city office.
  2. Apply to the Immigration Bureau for a business management visa (6 months)
    Tokyo scheme grants a business management visa, but in other areas, it is a designated activity visa.
  3. Come to Japan, sign a business contract, and establish a company
  4. Notify the tax office, etc. of the opening of the business
  5. Apply for necessary business licenses
  6. Apply for a business management visa

The above process has made it easier to start a business, even for those who have no collaborators in Japan at all.

Please consult an expert

A business management visa is a risky visa, as there is a possibility that you may not be granted a visa depending on the business, even though you have already established your company and obtained a business license, so if you are considering a business management visa, we recommend that you consult a specialist.

We can assist you with everything from setting up your company to applying for the necessary business license and business management visa. Please contact us for more information.